Human Resources

Take part in Cemil Özgür family, be a part of 79 years of experience...

Cemil Özgür creates group synergy by bringing together a qualified service approach, innovative thinking and customer-oriented approach with all employees.

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The common feature sought in candidates to be recruited by companies is to have personality traits that coincide with the values of Cemil Özgür, as well as the training, technical knowledge and competencies required by the position. Fidelity towards the institution and colleagues, being able to work creatively in an intense work pressure, and producing innovative ideas are the primary criteria. It is our first priority to fulfill our human resource needs with in-group talents, primarily through advertisements posted on our intranet. Applications received via online are evaluated. You can apply for a job by filling out the form below.

Human Resources Form

Download Empty Human Resources Form
*Only files with the extensions “.doc”, “.docx”, and “.pdf” are valid.

*Please download and fill the above form, then send it to us.